The program committee is coordinating provision of continuing education credits for physicians and nurse practitioners with Medical Education Resources.

This activity has been approved for XXX AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for the Symposium.

The program committee is coordinating provision of credit hours for nurses and DIALYSIS technicians through NANT for the Pre-Course and Symposium.



Physicians should only claim the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

This activity is for educational purposes only and does not endorse any product, content of presentation of exibit.

Participants are expected to utilize their own expertise and judgement while engaged in pratice of medicine.



Before the program, all faculty will disclose the existence of any financial interest and/or other relationship(s) (e.g.employee, consultant, speaker’s bureau, grant recipient, research support, stock ownership or any other special relationship) they might have with

  • the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) to be discussed during their presentation and/or
  • any commercial contributor to this activity. When unlabeled uses are discussed, these will also be indicated.